Well, we had a fabulous vacation and actually got to meet some of our cousins in Austria!
This first photo is of Jim and I with our cousin Doris Halper (middle) in Vienna. Doris works in Vienna but goes back to Mischendorf on the weekends. We're hoping she'll come visit us in Chicago!
Next is the house where Doris' grandmother lives -- it's the same house where my greatgrandmother Rosa Walter was born! We had a photo of this house from Uncle Frank and Aunt Thelma's trip to Mischendorf in 1970, too.

Next is Janet with cousin Elfi and her husband Franz.
Here are Janet & Jim with Aloysia -- she is Grandma Cassells first cousin!
Here we are with Annaliese (Walter) Halper and her mother Emma Walter at the house shown in the photo above.
We also got to meet Josef Walter, who is another one of Grandma Cassells' first cousins. His father was Franz -- Rose's brother.
Finally, here is a photo of Johanna and Stefan Walter -- Rose's parents. Emma had this photo at her house. I tried to take a picture of it but it didn't come out too great. Maybe Doris can try again for me later.