A may the great become to ... .... peace and rest When I shall gladly rise And mingle with the blest." (Illegible portions are indicated by ellipses "...")
NOTE: I believe the text above is a version of a Scottish Psalter: O may the grave become to me the bed of peaceful rest, Whence I shall gladly rise at length, and mingle with the blest!
Source: http://www.hymnary.org/hymn/SP/R8
Headstone reads:
"In Memory of Isabella
beloved wife ofWilliam BOAG
who died Dec 18 1870
aged 85 years native of Northumberland, England
The time of my departure comes,
I heard His voice that calls me home,
At last, Oh Lord, let trouble cease,
And let thy servant die in peace."
JAMES BOAG (Front and back of headstone)

The back of the headstone lists James' son and more as noted. James Boag & Annie Boag had a daughter named Annie Boag who married George Smith, the son of John & Isabel Fenton Smith (see previous post). George & Annie lived in Toronto and when George died in 1905, Annie moved to Chicago to live with her daughter Julia Isabell (Smith) Barker, who was married to James Barker of England. Also living with them was their son, Jay C. Barker. When Annie died, her body was shipped back to Toronto for burial next to her husband George. Jay C. Barker married Gertrude Mordecai (see previous, previous post) and they were my greatgrandparents.