Thursday, October 05, 2006

Meeting our Family in Mischendorf!

Well, we had a fabulous vacation and actually got to meet some of our cousins in Austria! This first photo is of Jim and I with our cousin Doris Halper (middle) in Vienna. Doris works in Vienna but goes back to Mischendorf on the weekends. We're hoping she'll come visit us in Chicago! Next is the house where Doris' grandmother lives -- it's the same house where my greatgrandmother Rosa Walter was born! We had a photo of this house from Uncle Frank and Aunt Thelma's trip to Mischendorf in 1970, too.

Next is Janet with cousin Elfi and her husband Franz.

Here are Janet & Jim with Aloysia -- she is Grandma Cassells first cousin!

Here we are with Annaliese (Walter) Halper and her mother Emma Walter at the house shown in the photo above.

We also got to meet Josef Walter, who is another one of Grandma Cassells' first cousins. His father was Franz -- Rose's brother.

Finally, here is a photo of Johanna and Stefan Walter -- Rose's parents. Emma had this photo at her house. I tried to take a picture of it but it didn't come out too great. Maybe Doris can try again for me later.

Monday, August 28, 2006

Walter Family Headstone in Mischendorf, Austria

This is from photos taken by Aunt Thelma & Uncle Frank when they visited in 1970.

Saturday, August 12, 2006

Abraham Mordecai



Abraham Mordecai was the father of Benjamin Moses Mordecai. A lot of info is out there on him. He founded the first cotton gin in Alabama, and was the founder of Montgomery, Alabama.

He purportedly married a half-Indian, half-black woman who left him on the Trail of Tears on her way to Arkansas. It is also reported when Abraham is an old man that he has children living in Arkansas. Records are scarce from the early 1800s in Arkansas, which was Indian Territory at the time.

The proof that Abram/Abraham M. Mordecai is Benjamin's father comes from the detail be written in Benjamin's own hand, and in the 1880 Chicago census there is a footnote that states Benjmain, Abraham and Hattie Mordecai "have Indian blood in their veins but not enough to be called Indian. Their grandmother is Indian." This would perfectly desribe children of Abraham and his half-Indian wife.

We also know that he was injured by a band of Indians for cavorting with one of their wives, and his faithful Indian wife nursed him back to health. And we know he gave testimony in a case of abduction against a group of Indians (see links below). He lived among and traded with the Indians extensively, travelling from Alabama and Georgia in the east to New Orleans in the west.

This information requires a second look at all of the "mulatto" entries for Mordecais in the censuses, as well as a new lok at all of the Mordecais in New Orleans. I've found many Mordecais I have discounted because they were entered as mulatto. Of course many Indians were also listed as mulatto.

Abram was a Jew who converted to Methodist. Click the documents and article links below for more info.

Abram Mordecai 1755-1849. Born October 24, 1755 in Pennsylvania; settled 1783 in Georgia where he became a successful trader among the Cusseta Indians. First U.S. citizen to settle (1785) in what became Montgomery County. Living and marrying among the Creeks, he established a trading house for skins, furs, and medicinal barks two miles from Line Creek. Alabama historian A.J. Pickett visited him in Dudleyville in 1847. Fiercely independent to the end, he died and was buried there two years later.


Mordecai's Cotton Gin: Alabama's First - In 1785, Abram Mordecai, a Jewish veteran of the Revolutionary War, settled in this area which was still Indian country. On the Alabama River near here in 1802, he installed a cotton gin manufactured by Lyons & Barnett of Georgia. Until Indians burned his equipment, he ginned his own cotton and that of his Indian neighbors. His gin, the first in Alabama, was the forerunner of those that sprang up after the Territory was formed in 1817 and pioneers with "Alabama Fever" rushed to claim the fertile soil. The restored Old Alabama Town gin is typical of those operated until the early 20th century.


Pickett's History of Alabama (Scroll down to Mordecai entry)

Singular Inhabitants of Alabama

Chronicles of the Lost

Indian Claim

Friday, March 10, 2006

Mądrzejewski Murder Article

At long last I have had a friend translate the article from the murder of Mary Mądrzejewski by her husband John. Here you will see the image in Polish, and the English translation.

Yesterday at their home at 2908 S. Union Ave., a bloody tragedy occurred between John & Mary Mądrzejewski. After 2 years of problems, their marriage ended tragically. John married his wife 17 years ago. Blessed with 2 children they lived happily until 1918. At that time Andrew Pollack fell in love with Mrs. Mary Mądrzejewski. Mary left her husband several times, giving her heart to this other man. The husband was angry and very dicouraged and made a decision to stop the affair. He went to her and, on his knees, he begged her to come back and live their life they way they used to. She refused and moved to distance herself from from her husband. He said "goodbye," reached for the revolver, and pulled the trigger, shooting her twice. She was killed instantly.

Sunday, January 22, 2006

Our Native American Roots

Greatgrandma Gertrude (Mordecai) Barker once told Mom that her grandfather was Delaware Indian. The Delaware are more traditionally known as the Lenni Lenape, which means "original men" or "grandfather tribe."