Saturday, November 23, 2013

Jay C Barker's Grave

Today we made our way out to the Mt. Vernon Estates Cemetery on Archer in Lemont, IL. It's right across the street from the Cog Hill Golf Course. With the help of the man in the office, we found the grave, but there is no headstone.

The grace is part of a plot of 4 graves owned by W. R. & Una Maschner. In the first grave is Alberta Milkintas who dies in 1957. The second grave is empty, but it says it is reserved for Vince Malkintas. The next grave holds my greatgrandpa Jay, and the 4th one is empty.

Of interest is that W. R. & Una Maschner were living in Arizona in 1957 per info on

Name: Una Maschner
Spouse: William R Maschner
Residence: 1957 - Phoenix, Arizona, USA

I will have to do more digging to find out why he was buried way out in Lemont, and who the Maschner's and Milkintas's are.

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